Thursday, October 20, 2011

Connecting socially, and shallowness...

 So, the other day I was reading a review of a new book, The Journals of Spaulding Gray (edited by Neil Casey). I particularly liked Spaulding as a raconteur, and felt that I related to his John Updike-ish WASPy nebbishness...

Big surprise that Spaulding Gray was shallower than his performance persona would have it. But, even more striking to me was, quote : "At one point, Gray reveals that his first wife accused him of being “CONFESSIONAL but not HONEST.’’ That seems just about right."

This led me to think of all the social network platforms I have been a part of, and all the profile pages I've seen. It also led me to rethink the wisdom that I've been absorbing about the digital social network phenomenon: we create an idealistic version of ourselves, not who we truly are.

I'm particularly reminiscent about one profile I came across on the new Google + platform. This one young woman, whose preoccupation with:

  1. herself
  2. cute LOL cat pictures
  3. her detractors
  4. How deep she really is
  5. soft porn images of herself
  6. rude questions to ask her followers

made me first fascinated with the utter train wreck of her narcissism, then appalled at her addictive obsession to portray herself as a "celebutard" of this new network. I tried to interact with her, posting what I thought were witty comments, and joining in discussions with fellow posters. I don't think she quite cottoned to me or my view points, and probably suspected me of being a troll. Keep in mind that I hadn't yet become alienated to her. I thought there was someone interesting there (I admit, it was the LOL cats that made me think so...). So, I limited my interactions and waited.... And waited...

Nothing. She was all about saying that "she cared... a lot!", but not about sharing what in particular she cared about (except, I suspect, the unsaid 'herself')! So, i did the only thing i thought responsible, and deleted her from my 'circle'...

I won't add to her paranoia about her 'enemies' by naming her. I do suspect someone who reads this may recognize her (or someone like her) and pass this article on, anyway. It's almost amusing, but mostly sad to think of just how many profiles on the Web this article can actually apply to...

And then, there's the category of elitist snobbery that an education can give. I suppose that describes me, and my disdain for certain things. I have a large vocabulary, and often use it. I've read a lot, and refer to esoteric things. In my profile, I puff myself out with a; "my brain is bigger than yours" arrogance. There's also the deceptive :"You, too, can be as smart as me if only you read the right things!" message I use to show my humility... This too, is a carefully manufactured facade covering pettiness. Perhaps not as honest as the girl whom I've just pilloried for her self-involvement?

Then there are the "Candides" of the Internet, who tend their own gardens, and tell us all is just fine with themselves and their loved ones... The families are all doing great, are so happy about all the new and wonderful things happening, are depressed about lousy weather.. But, do they ever look up and ask what is going on outside their self-imposed bubbles? Are they just ignoring those of us who share news of the world? They never say.

I actually admire them, for getting just what they want out of the social networks they take part in. I also fret about what remains unsaid, about what opportunities they ignore...

 Here we are, having built a digital Pritcher's Mass of an instrument to bring us all together.... And yet, even I begin to wonder: to what end?

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