Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Reality TV and the rise of the celebutards

*Sigh*... Everything old is new again.

You probably think this will be another discussion about the impact of MTV's "Real World", or how "An American Family" changed television programming.

Well, yeah... But I think I'll start with this, instead:

Which was the original idea behind shows like "Extreme Makeover" & "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" 

And this..

..and this..

..were the inspirations for Barbara Walters interviews, as well as all the VH1 shows that follow around celebrities...

Would you have "Punk'd", "Web Soup" or "Tosh.0" without Alan Funt?

Then, there's the classic PBS programming of shows like "This Old House", "The Victory Garden, "The New Yankee Workshop", & "The French Chef" that paved the way for Martha Stewart, the Food network and the DIY network...

As for those who became celebrities without discernible talents... That isn't so old, either.. Paris Hilton? She was preceded by her step- great grand mom..

So, what's so different today? The National Enquirer being out performed by TMZ and The Smoking Gun. Professional paparazzi being joined by just about anyone with a camera... More outlets for more cheaply produced programs about subjects bound to get an audience.

A&E used to mean "Arts & Entertainment" &, with Bravo, would show performances of Ballet, Stage, and Opera.. But it's cheaper to show "Real Wives of..." or "Intervention". The History Channel used to tell stories about history, but moved that to their premiere channel, History International, and instead air "Swamp People", "Pawn Stars" or "Ice Road Truckers" on basic cable, calling it "history made every day"....

Rudy, Susan Hawk, Puck, The Situation, & Snookie..these names are famous because we like the sideshow at the carnival as much as the main attractions..

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